Auction Catalog

All are welcome to bid, purchase or sign up for all items listed in the catalog.

Most items will be available for bidding in person at the event on April 12th.

Be sure to sign up for amazing experiences and parties with fellow Franklin families as spots are limited. 

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 112 in total

$100 at Pagano's and Furniture F...

$200 Discount for Camp Galileo

$48 in gift cards at Twirl

18" Our Generation Doll with Han...

1st grade cocktail makers basket

2nd Grade Class Basket- Falcon f...

3-Class Circus Starter Package

3rd Grade Family Game Night Package

4th Grade Date Night

5th Grade Family Fun Gift Basket

Art Docent - Dr. A Butterflies

Art Docent - Dr. A Butterflies (2)